Home उच्च शिक्षा SERF Organises 2-day National Seminar

SERF Organises 2-day National Seminar


The national-level seminar aims to understand the role of Indian languages in the development of the country.

GUWAHATI: Cotton University in collaboration with Shankardev Education and Research Foundation organized a two-day national seminar on the theme “Critically Understanding the Role of Indian Languages in Making Bharat Self-reliant” on 11th and 12th December 2022 at the Sudmersen Hall of the university. Around 16 invited resource persons from different parts of the country presented their research papers on various language issues.

The seminar critically analyzed various dimensions of the theme and placed emphasis on the representation of Indian languages in public spaces. In the valedictory session held on 12th December 2022, the Vice Chancellor of Cotton University attended and pointed out various positive dimensions of the Sanskrit language. Dr. Pawan Tiwari Organising Secretary of Vidya Bharati Purvottar Khsetra graced the valedictory function as Chief Guest. Dr. Tiwari gave special importance to the concept of Bharat from a linguistic point of view.

Read More : गुवाहाटी में 33वाँ शतरंज समारोह सम्पन्न



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